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NanoCellect® Biomedical, Inc.

VERLO Image-Guided Cell Sorter

Sort Cells You Can See With the Gentle Microfluidics You Know

The VERLO™ Image-Guided Cell Sorter is providing conventional flow cytometry and cell sorting along with the ability to perform imaging analysis to identify and sort cells based on morphology, subcellular localization and more.

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VERLO Features

The VERLO™ Image-Guided Cell Sorter is providing conventional flow cytometry and cell sorting along with the ability to perform imaging analysis to identify and sort cells based on morphology, subcellular localization and more.

The VERLO™ instrument expands the capabilities of gentle benchtop microfluidic cell sorting. With two lasers and nine colors, plus 3 label-free parameters, it maintains simple workflows for either bulk sorting or single-cell dispensing into 96- or 384-well plates with an integrated cell dispensing and sample cooling.

Adding Image Analysis to Gentle Microfluidic Cell Sorting

  • Spatial Information
    Captures images of each cell. In addition to fluorescence intensity, the VERLO provides spatial information such as cell morphology and marker localization
  • Increased Precision Sorting
    Following the acquisition and processing of cell images, imaging features are incorporated into the gating strategy to define cell phenotypes
  • Enhanced Resolution
    Imaging of subcellular structures and analysis of spatial variations in brightfield, darkfield, and fluorescent images
  • Multivariate Datasets
    Combines high-throughput sampling with single-cell image acquisition and measures large number of features from cell images, providing more comprehensive data

VERLO™ Image Sorting Technology

12-Parameter Image-Guided Sorting

With 488 nm and 561 nm lasers to detect up to 9 fluorescent markers and 3 channels of label-free information, the VERLO Image-Guided Cell Sorter can identify key structures, such as golgi and nuclei, internalization, overall morphology, and nuanced texture features that can discriminate live-dead—as well as the physiology of the cells.

Once you have decided on which morphological features of the cells you want to sort, you can gate on image features such as Area vs Max Intensity, just like you would when sorting using FSC vs BSC. The image features are calculated in real-time, enabling you to begin sorting your samples without having to first analyze the whole sample and then run it through the instrument again.

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The VERLO™ Image-Guided Cell Sorter uses patented, microfluidic-based sorting with robust laser-excitation and sensitive PMT detectors to isolate mammalian cells, microbes, plant cells and more. A gentle and precise piezoelectric actuator directs cells into collection channels and allows analysis and sorting in a disposable format. This eliminates sample-to-sample contamination and biohazard exposure or cleanup. This technology allows the VERLO™ to sort up to 200 cells per second with high accuracy and effective recovery. Deposit 1 to 100 cells per well in a 96- or 384 well plate using a single-cell sorting cartridge and integrated Single-Cell Dispenser. CellVantage Software VERLO™ integrated platform uses patented, microfluidic-based sorting with robust laser-excitation and sensitivePMT detectors to isolate mammalian cells, microbes, plant cells and more. Agentle and precise piezoelectric actuator directs cells into collection channels and allows analysis and sorting in a disposable format. This eliminates sample-to-sample contamination and biohazard exposure or cleanup.

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  • Unique to NanoCellect are our disposable cartridges that allow for bulk sorting or single-cell sorting. 
  • The sorting cartridges use a piezoacoustic actuator that gently directs cells into collection channels; an embedded cell sorting verification system gives instant feedback of sorting accuracy. 
  • This technology allows the VERLO™ to sort up to 200 cells per second with high accuracy and effective recovery. 
  • Sort two selected cell populations with bulk sorting while the remainder of cells collects in a third channel. 
  • Deposit 1 to 100 cells per well in a 96- or 384 well plate using a single-cell sorting cartridge and integrated Single-Cell Dispenser.


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News & Events

On-Demand Webinar

NanoCellect Webinar on

Unveiling VERLO: The Future of Image-Guided Cell Sorting

This presentation introduces the VERLO™ Image-Guided Cell Sorter from NanoCellect. VERLO integrates advanced image-guidance technology with cell sorting, enhancing precision and efficiency. The system captures images of individual cells, providing spatial information such as cell morphology and marker localization. Enhanced resolution imaging capabilities allow for the visualization and analysis of subcellular structures and spatial variations in brightfield, darkfield, and fluorescent images. VERLO’s gating strategy incorporates imaging features to define cell phenotypes, increasing the precision of cell sorting. The system combines low-pressure microfluidics with single-cell image acquisition to measure a multitude of features from cell images, generating comprehensive multivariate datasets.

Applications of VERLO include:

  • Label-free cell structure analysis
  • Investigation of cell-cell interactions
  • Study of nuclear translocation
  • Cell organelle staining.

This presentation will delve into the technological details and potential applications of the VERLO, allowing researchers to study cells in their physiologically relevant state in downstream processes.




NanoCellect Biomedical Inc.

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