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Logos Biosystems Inc.

LUNA-FL™ Dual Fluorescence Cell Counter

Equipped with dual fluorescence and brightfield optics, the LUNA-FL™ is a powerhouse. The LUNA-FL™ can assess cell counts, viability, and GFP transfection efficiency without being limited by cell type or size.

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With four counting modes, the LUNA-FL™ is our powerhouse. Equipped with brightfield and dual fluorescence optics that allows the sensitive detection of most cell types excluding bacteria. The LUNA-FL™ can distinguish primary cells such as PBMCs, splenocytes, neutrophils, and stem cells from undesirable debris for accurate cell count and viability results. Brightfield cell counting, fluorescence cell counting, yeast cell counting, and GFP transfection assays are all in the LUNA-FL™ wheelhouse. This versatile little counter sits comfortably in a cell culture hood or on your benchtop to fit seamlessly into your workflow.

What the Luna-FL™ does best

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The LUNA-FL™ can count in both brightfield and fluorescence mode, making it Logos' most versatile counter to date.

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Advanced imaging software and GFP and RFP fluorescence optics sensitively detect fluorescence stained cells.

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High resolution images are captured and analyzed to detect GFP-positive and -negative cells.

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Fluorescence: 30 s = 3 images captured & analyzed;
Brightfield: 10 s = 1 image captured & analyzed

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Perfect for labs on a budget, our LUNA™ family of automated cell counters work with the LUNA™ Reusable Slide. The LUNA™ Reusable Slide delivers the affordability of manual cell counting without the associated time, subjectivity, and user-to-user variability. Our disposable slides offer the ultimate counting experience. With no mess or cleanup, these precision slides are convenient and maintain the highest standard of cell counting accuracy.


Logos Biosystems Inc.

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Experimental condition

HL-60 (50% viability)

HL-60 cells were artificially killed by heating and mixed with healty cells (50:50). Mixed cells were stained with acridine orange-propidium idodide mixture and then counted with the LUNA-FL fluorescence cell counter.

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Experimental condition

HL-60 (high density)

A high density culture of HL-60 cells was counted with the LUNA-FL to verifiy the performance of the instrument. Cells were stained with acridine orange-propidium idodide mixture and then counted. Green and red circle represents viable and dead nucleated cells automatically classified by LUNA-FL.

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Human peripheral blood

Human whole blood was collected from a finger tip and diluted in PBS at 1:100. After staining with the AO/PI dyes, white blood cells (WBCs) were counted with the LUNA-FL fluorescence cell counter. Bright field and its corresponding fluorescence image are shown in the left and middle panel, respectively. Area enclosed by the white rectangle is shown in the right panel at high magnification. Note that cells containing nucleic acids (ie., WBCs) were counted and tagged with the green circle. A huge number of red blood cells (RBCs) and platelets seen in the bright field image were not counted by LUNA-FL. No dead WBC was observed in this field of view.

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Experimental condition


Jurkat T cells were stained with acridine orange-propidium idodide mixture and then counted with the LUNA-FL fluorescence cell counter.

News & Events


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Logos Biosystems

LUNA™ Family Awarded Platinum Seal of Quality

The LUNA™ family of automated cell counters from Logos Biosystems, part of Aligned Genetics, Inc., has been awarded a Platinum Seal of Quality in recognition of outstanding feedback received from scientists globally.
Seals of Quality recognize the top 0.1% of products that consistently receive the highest customer review ratings on leading laboratory technology website, SelectScience®, and are designed to help scientists worldwide see at a glance the instruments and services their peers love the most.
Among the latest winners is the LUNA™ Family of Automated Cell Counters, by Logos Biosystems, which has now received well over 200 reviews from scientists around the world at an outstanding average overall rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars.
There are four levels of Seal of Quality — Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze — and the LUNA™ series becomes one of just 6 winners of the Platinum Seal of Quality since the awards were launched in 2017.
SelectScience Editor-in-Chief and Publisher, Kerry Parker, said: “I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our reviewers around the world for sharing their valuable opinions and also to congratulate Logos Biosystems, who have been recognized by the people who matter most, their customers.”

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BBT Webinar (recorded on 6. February 2024) on

In-depth look into the Luna Cell Counters

Join our webinar to delve into Logos Biosystems' Luna cell counters, featuring Luna-II and Luna-FX7 models, and discover their versatile applications and user-friendly design. Witness how incorporating a Luna cell counter in your lab can provide substantial advantages over manual counting methods, saving both time and money.

Request a demo or a quote

LUNA-FX7™ Automated Fluorescence Cell Counter with unmatched cell counting accuracy

LUNA-III™ Automated Brightfield Cell Counter, designed to enhance your productivity and precision.

Luna-Gel™ – 3D Tissue Culture

Pixel – Visualize live cell function at scale

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Benchtop Microfluidic Cell Sorting with Two Lasers and up to Nine Colors

An incubator designed specifically for the cultivation of primary human cells

Automated high content image acquisition and analysis for drug discovery and cell biology

Multicolor fluorescence imaging to data analysis in one device

IsoLight – Automated Cellular Proteomics Hub

IsoLight and IsoSpark – Single-Cell Functional Proteomics Hub

The LUNA-FL™ can count in both brightfield and fluorescence mode

The LUNA-II™ automated cell counter gives you the ultimate brightfield cell counting experience.

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High multiplexing, high resolution in situ platform to combine single-cell and spatial genomics.

The QUANTOM Tx Microbial Cell Counter automatically identifies and counts individual bacterial cells

Single Cells or Nuclei from Solid Tissues in Minutes

Tapestri® Platform: Untangle the complexity of cancer with true multi-omics.

Sterile, easy-to-use solutions for high cell integrity of single cell dispensing

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DeepLabel™ Antibody Staining Kit for Cleared Tissues

Simple, Automated, Charge-based DNA and RNA Extraction

IsoPlexis Solutions and Kits

Autofocusing cell counting and declustering algorithm that counts individual yeast cells

Automated Fluorescence Cell Counter for Stem Cells & SVF

Accurate & efficient single-cell detection of SNVs, indels, CNVs and LOH across targeted gene panels

Sterile, easy-to-use solutions for high cell integrity of single cell dispensing

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